Recent Posts by CCHS

Membership Renewal 2022

Its that time of the year again for Membership Renewal for the 2022/23 year. The Society appreciates your support as a member and particularly during the very challenging past two years with COVID affecting our lives. It is important that you are a financial member when competing at events for insurance purposes, attending CCHSA meetings…
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Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

CCHSA wish all members a very Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! The office will be closed up until the 10th January 2022. Emails & Phone Messages will be monitored over this closing period for any urgent matters. y
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Foal Registrations Reminder

A reminder to avoid late fees on your foal registrations, please make sure for those foals born on or after the 1st August 2020 that they are registered by the 31st July 2021. Registrations forms can be accessed via this link: Forms
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Merry Christmas!

Wishing all CCHSA Members a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! Please note that the CCHSA Office will be closed from Wednesday 23rd December 2020 until Monday 11th January 2021. Phone message service & emails will be monitored and answered as necessary during this period.
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