


MEMBERSHIP entitles members to full privileges of membership of the Society as laid down by the CCHSA Inc. Statement of Purpose and Rules of Incorporation.

A Member may:

  • Register a stud prefix
  • Register a brand
  • Record eligible foals
  • Adult register eligible mares
  • Adult register eligible stallions
  • Issue service certificates
  • Transfer recorded or registered horses
  • Lease recorded or registered horses
  • Register eligible geldings
  • Record eligible CCHSA Inc. Cross Bred horses
  • Attend and can vote at Branch Annual General Meeting
  • Stand for election to Branch Committee
  • Vote for selection of Committee

If you are intending to breed pure bred Clydesdales you will need to register a stud Prefix and Brand with the Society.

A stud Prefix is the member's own distinguishing stud name. All eligible Clydesdales bred by a member of the Society must carry his or her own individual stud prefix and brand. Your own stud prefix will identify the horses bred by you. The name of a registered horse can never be changed and any horse bred by you will always carry your own stud prefix, even if the horse changes hands.

Members should also register their own distinguishing brand design with the Society. All horses born after the 1st August 1982 must be branded within twelve months of foaling or when sold, whichever is sooner.

All members will periodically receive a copy of their respective state's official NEWSLETTER, which may be published three to four times a year. The NEWSLETTER helps to keep members informed of events within the Society. The NEWSLETTER also gives members the opportunity to advertise horses for sale etc. The Society publishes an ANNUAL FEDERAL NEWSLETTER which members receive free of charge as part of their membership.


All current financial members of the Society are covered for public liability insurance when competing at any CCHSA Inc. activities or events.


The CCHSA Inc. accepts payment via cheque/money order, or via direct deposit/EFT into the CCHSA Inc. bank account.

Cheque/money order made payable to Commonwealth Clydesdale Horse Society Australia Inc.

Direct deposit

Bank: Bendigo Bank
BSB: 633-000
Account No: 130 462 211
Account Name:  Commonwealth Clydesdale Horse Society Australia Inc.
Reference: Surname

All transactions are processed in Australia Dollars (AUD)